Joyce Luo

Joyce Luo

Operations Research PhD Candidate

MIT Operations Research Center

Hi! I’m a 3rd year PhD candidate at the MIT Operations Research Center, advised by Professor Georgia Perakis. My research interests are in healthcare and service operations management, with a particular focus on developing novel analytical methods, based in machine learning and optimization, that can help companies, policy makers, and individuals make better decisions under uncertainty. I’m currently working on projects related to scheduling and capacity management for hospital diagnostic services, and optimizing support messaging for mental health patients. I am grateful to be supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship.

  • Healthcare Operations Management
  • Optimization
  • Decision Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • PhD in Operations Research

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • BSE in Operations Research & Financial Engineering, 2022

    Princeton University


(2024). Addressing Healthcare Provider Burnout: Fair Online Hospital Diagnostic Service Scheduling. Under review at Management Science.

(2024). Frontiers in Operations: Equitable Data-Driven Facility Location and Resource Allocation to Fight the Opioid Epidemic. In Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.


(2021). Analysis of potential associations of JUUL flavours with health symptoms based on user-generated data from Reddit. In Tobacco Control.


(2020). User Perceptions of Different Electronic Cigarette Flavors on Social Media: Observational Study. In JMIR.


(2020). A Social Media Study on the Associations of Flavored Electronic Cigarettes With Health Symptoms: Observational Study. In JMIR.


Honors & Awards

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research
Undergraduate Research Poster Session Winner
First Place Undergraduate Poster Presentation

Teaching Experience

15.S60 Computing in Optimization and Statistics
15.730 Data, Models, and Decisions
ORF 307 Optimization
ORF 245 Fundamentals of Statistics

Professional Service

MIT ORC Seminar Series Spring 2025 Coordinator
MIT INFORMS Student Chapter Vice President